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Re: turning on options MULTIPROCESSOR soon

        Hello.  Ok.  I feel silly.  Below that it says: vcpu0, and cpuctl list
only lists one cpu.
So, I guess it's uniprocessor.

On Jan 17, 12:41pm, Brian Buhrow wrote:
} Subject: Re: turning on options MULTIPROCESSOR soon
}       hello. I hav a question about the dom0 and multiprocessor.  On my 5.1
} amd64-based xen server,  I have:
} mainbus0 (root)
} cpu0 at mainbus0 apid 0
} cpu1 at mainbus0 apid 2
} cpu2 at mainbus0 apid 18
} cpu3 at mainbus0 apid 20
} cpu4 at mainbus0 apid 32
} cpu5 at mainbus0 apid 34
} cpu6 at mainbus0 apid 50
} cpu7 at mainbus0 apid 52
} cpu8 at mainbus0 apid 1
} cpu9 at mainbus0 apid 3
} cpu10 at mainbus0 apid 19
} cpu11 at mainbus0 apid 21
} cpu12 at mainbus0 apid 33
} cpu13 at mainbus0 apid 35
} cpu14 at mainbus0 apid 51
} cpu15 at mainbus0 apid 53
} Does this mean the dom0 is running in multicpu mode, or is it only running
} with one CPU?
} -thanks
} -Brian
} On Jan 17,  9:33pm, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
} } Subject: Re: turning on options MULTIPROCESSOR soon
} } On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 01:51:47AM +0530, Cherry G. Mathew wrote:
} } > Hi,
} } > 
} } > I'm looking forward to turning on "options MULTIPROCESSOR" for XEN on
} } > Monday, 23rd January, 2012.
} } > 
} } > If you could please try report problems before this date, that will
} } > really help make this smooth. Since the 6.0 branch is rumoured to be
} } > very soon, it would be great to have a bug-free(tm) MP XEN port :-)
} } 
} } You can turn it on for *DOMU, the user can still set vcpus to 1 in
} } the Xen config file if it cause problems.
} } 
} } For *DOM0 it's not ready: the backend drivers are not MP-safe; I've not 
} } at other dom0-speficic code but there may be more problems. I'm not sure
} } xenbus is completely safe either.
} } 
} } -- 
} } Manuel Bouyer <bouyer%antioche.eu.org@localhost>
} }      NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference
} } --
} >-- End of excerpt from Manuel Bouyer
>-- End of excerpt from Brian Buhrow

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