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Re: default route on other subnet

        Hello.  Yes, my assumption in that mail was that you're running NetBSD
as your dom0 and that NetBSD was acting as a router/firewall for the subnet
which exists entirely inside the virtual space.  I guess you could do the
same thing with Linux, but I'm not familiar enough with the networking
tools in Linux to say whether it's reliable or easy to manage.  I prefer pf
in NetBSD, but ipfw  or pf in NetBSD should work well and give you months
and maybe even years of reliable service.
On Sep 30, 10:53am, Pierre-Philipp Braun wrote:
} Subject: Re: default route on other subnet
} Hi Brian,
} Quoting Brian Buhrow 30/09/2011 01:59,
} >     hello.  Why does ipfilter not work with domu's and NetBSD?  Even if you
} > can't filter on a bridge at the bridge level, filter on the IP layer and
} > make the dom0 a router.
} yes I guess I would be ok with ipfilter even a routing configuration. 
} This doesn't change anything to the issue however, since my dom0 IP also 
} is on a different subnet.
} What you propose thereafter implies NAT on the dom0.  If that's you're 
} idea, using that guest's IP at NAT front on the dom0 side could work, 
} and I wouldn't really need the netbsd gateway as guest in that case. 
} But I prefer not do NAT on the linux dom0.
} Pierre-Philipp
>-- End of excerpt from Pierre-Philipp Braun

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