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Re: Xen 4 and NetBSD

 Am 07.07.10 11:22, schrieb Christoph Egger:
On Wednesday 07 July 2010 09:59:53 Dirk H. Schulz wrote:
Hi folks,

I tried to find out if there is a Xen4 implementation for NetBSD (at
least a domU kernel), but did not find any real hints.

Can someone please direct me to relevant information or just tell me if
work is in progress, finished, whatever?

Or is it possible to run a NetBSD Xen 3.2/3.3 domU on a Xen4 dom0? Has
anyone out there tried that? Any success or experience to share?
Xen 4 is backward-compatible to Xen 3.x. That means all NetBSD Xen 3
DomU/Dom0 run on Xen 4.

I am afraid it is not that easy. Starting my xen3 NetBSD domU leads to:

total memory = 256 MB
avail memory = 245 MB
mainbus0 (root)
hypervisor0 at mainbus0: Xen version 4.0
vcpu0 at hypervisor0: Intel 686-class, 3200MHz, id 0xf41
xenbus0 at hypervisor0: Xen Virtual Bus Interface
xencons0 at hypervisor0: Xen Virtual Console Driver
xencons0: using event channel 2
npx0 at hypervisor0: using exception 16
xbd0 at xenbus0 id 1: Xen Virtual Block Device Interface
xpq_flush_queue: 1 entries
0x00000002d2c992e8: 0x000000000ce67003
panic: HYPERVISOR_mmu_update failed

fatal breakpoint trap in supervisor mode
trap type 1 code 0 eip c039682c cs 9 eflags 246 cr2 0 ilevel 6
Stopped in pid 0.12 (system) at netbsd:breakpoint+0x4:  popl    %ebp
I have googled, but found only older entries saying that the dom0 kernel must be compiled with unset debugging options. I have done so, but that did not help.

Do NetBSD Xen3 domUs really run on Xen4 (I am using the Debian Testing hypervisor and dom0)? I found several posts stating that networking is broken but no current one describing the above problem.

Any hint or help is appreciated.


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