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Re: Xen hosting providers?

On 2/20/07, Thor Lancelot Simon <tls%rek.tjls.com@localhost> wrote:
I'm told by the Panix staff that when they looked into why you hadn't
received any notification email, they discovered a problem with the
configuration of the notification list for Xen customers.

I brought this thread to their attention, and that's when the list
botch was noticed and fixed Real Quick.  I've now received the outage
information mail, and David should have received it by now too.

As I mentioned privately to the Panix staff, I know that these things
do happen -- and what I didn't tell them is that I've had much worse
luck with a couple of their competitors in the Xen hosting market.  I
found out later that one of those competitors was using refurb
cobbled-together Pentium-3 boxes with just a pair of EIDE drives in
each box; for that kind of reliability, I might as well colocate my
own el-cheapo box.  8-)

That aside, I've had more than my share of hardware problems with
colocating my own box, which is what makes the Xen hosting concept
such a huge win for me.  Zero hardware maintenance work makes for a
lot less headache, even when failures do happen.

-- Todd Vierling <tv%duh.org@localhost> <tv%pobox.com@localhost> 

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