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Re: progress on xen3 HVM support

On Mon, Oct 16, 2006 at 03:34:09AM +0200, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> 2) Qemu-dm = Qemu[2] Device Model - a modified(?) Qemu that's used to
>              emulate instruction sets for real-mode support[3] - I guess
>              to run Xen inside Xen

A mail from Mats Petersson, a guy working for AMD:

IOEMU is responsible for emulating the non-CPU hardware (aka device
model), such as keyboard, mouse, hard-disk (controller), network and

You can of course emulate the processor with the old-fashioned ring
compression and use IOEMU for the device modelling. There's no strict
relationship between the device model and the processor emulation
technology. IOEMU is just one fairly arbitrary choice of how to
implement a device model - it happens to be open source and fairly well
written (my opinion), so it's not a bad choice...

-Pierrick Brossin

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