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Re: Ultrasparc III+ kernel panic

Takeshi Nakayama a écrit :
BERTRAND_Joël <joel.bertrand%systella.fr@localhost> wrote

text_access_fault: pc=5ab4bce8 va=5ab4a000
kernel trap 64: +fast instruction access MMU miss
stopped in pid 14306.1 (netstat) at 5ab4bce8:

I wondered why netstat or pstat (in your past mail) are related to
OFW, and I found that sysctl CPU_BOOTED_KERNEL uses OFW calls.

I just avoid OFW call from these system commands in the change
below, so please update your kernel and see what's going to happen.



Takeshi Nakayama

	I'm trying your patch. Now, I'm waiting next panic ;-)

	Best regards,


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