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Re: port/sparc64 known working on Netra X1?

On May 8, 2010, at 19:39, Takeshi Nakayama wrote:
I guess "dev /openprom" and ".properies" on openfirm can show the
same strings.

As expected given the output earlier of ".version", the above also shows:

version                  OBP 4.0.9 2001/05/17 21:52

Any suggestions as to how to get a newer firmware? I've found 111952-03, but I haven't managed to find something I can boot, so I'm not sure how to install it. It's theoretically 4.0.18. But, any pointers to how to install it would be welcome. I just found a shell script wrapping a shell script. Years ago, I had been finding images that could be booted, and that's how I was doing sparc OBP updates...

               - Chris

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