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Re: SCSI port type

On 12/14/2012 20:54, Mouse wrote:
Both [IPX and SS20] are 8bit SE
Right but low voltage or high voltage? :)
What I was trying to say before was: I don't think there was ever
SE-Low Voltage; that (as far as I can remember) never existed.

That matches my understanding too: all SE is the same voltage - the HV
versus LV distinction exists only for differential (and LVD is usually
(always?) willing to fall back to SE).

There certainly could be a different-voltage single-ended device
somewhere, but it would surprise me, since it wouldn't interoperate
with the rest of the single-ended SCSI world.

Ok, then I'll just have to track down an LVD S-bus card, that should get interesting.

I think the one I currently have for the A1000's is LVD, I need to double check.

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