I've been running 1.6.1 on a trusty sparc2 for years. it handles
routing and NAT duties, but after increasing load on my wireless
segment, it seems to be melting down just passing packets:
le0 at sbus0 slot 0 offset 0xc00000 level 4 (ipl 5): address 08:00:20:11:56:75
le0: 8 receive buffers, 2 transmit buffers
le1 at sbus0 slot 1 offset 0xc00000 level 5: address 08:00:20:11:56:75
le1: 8 receive buffers, 2 transmit buffers
le2 at sbus0 slot 2 offset 0xc00000 level 5: address 08:00:20:11:56:75
le2: 8 receive buffers, 2 transmit buffers
vmstat -i:
interrupt total rate
lev1 404051709 36
lev3 63835545 5
lev5 942141929 85
lev6 1507 0
clock 1097372546 99
lev12 34030 0
prof 1097186333 99
zs0 intr 34030 0
esp0 intr 280432982 25
Total 3885090611 354
this with 98+% interrupt time according to top. interactive shell
through an ssh session is extremely laggy. the bulk of traffic flows
are between le2 and le0.
I realize this is only a 40MHz machine, but I would have thought it able
to pass 10mbit traffic at close to wire speed. am I mistaken? have I
really hit the performance limit? (could an ISA 486SLC do better?)