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dbri and speakerbox on a SPARCstation 10

I just updated an old SPARCstation 10 build machine (3 processors) to netbsd-5. Upon booting, I happened to notice:

dbri0: speakerbox detected
dbri0: cs4215 rev E found at offset 8
audio0 at dbri0: full duplex, playback, capture, mmap

Now, while it's cool that the audio is supported, even if I don't expect I'll use it, I find the first line odd. I'm sure there isn't a speakerbox on this machine. I don't even remember which incarnations of SPARC's used the little speakerboxes (18-20 years ago), so maybe the 10 has an effective speakerbox in it that's being detected, but I think the description, if not the fact, is somewhat wrong.

  Just curious, anyone know why that appears?

                  - Chris

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