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Re: Some ideas to think about for the hackathon

On Wed, Apr 25, 2007 at 12:46:09AM -0700, Tim Rightnour wrote:
> 6) pmppc and sandpoint should probably be moved to evbppc.
> They are both rather bizzare little boards, which aren't really common 
> devices.
> They both also appear to be primarily evaluation kits, which I think puts them
> firmly under evbppc, rather than full fledged ports.

Sandpoint's not too bizarre, but it should be in evbppc.  As I recall,
evbppc came along after sandpoint showed up.  I had always meant to
move it over, but never found the time.  And I haven't had sandpoint
hardware for a while now.

> 7) isa_machdep, pcib, pchb, etc.
> These files occur in a few ports, and don't really seem to have a whole lot
> that is very port-specific.  It seems reasonable to assume some of this stuff
> can be more or less unified.

Yes.  Some platforms have minimal boot code, though, and will need some
initialization that would normally happen in the boot code.

Sounds like some excellent plans.  Wish I could participate in the


Allen Briggs  |  http://www.ninthwonder.com/~briggs/  |  

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