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Re: Current status

Who needs web page?

Send me the info and I'll maintain it. I've got a couple of accounts I can
serve it off of.

Lemme know.

At 10:10 PM -0500 2/9/98, Dan Jacobowitz wrote:
>At 8:19 PM -0400 2/9/98, David Brownlee wrote:
>>      Is anyone interested in maintaining a webpage, that can be
>>      linked to from www.netbsd.org, giving brief information on the
>>      current state of the the PowerPC/PowerMac port?
>>      Thanks
>>              David/absolute
>>                   He who laughs, lasts...
>As soon as I get over my current mess (first I discover that my
>gzip-handling code in the booter doesn't work, then I discover I'm out of
>disk space, then I discover while cleaning up I deleted half of my
>toolchain...) I'll put one up on www.drow.net.
>Dan Jacobowitz
>| Dan Jacobowitz                 | drow%drow.net@localhost                    |
>|  Administrator Extraordinaire  | Web site coming someday          |
>| My opinions are my own -       | Day Job: http://www.wwwcomm.com  |
>| My mistakes are someone else's |                                  |


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