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NetBSD HEAD userland isn't compiled without short loop fixes?

Hello everyone,

A couple of days I finally picked up a CRT monitor that supports Sync on
Green (hooray!) and I abused my Compaq Pentium 3 (compy.fxq.nl) to build
a NetBSD HEAD release. The result:

| $ uname -a
| NetBSD sony.fxq.nl 3.99.15 NetBSD 3.99.15 (SONY) #0: Thu Feb  2 23:35:46 CET 
2006  root%compy.fxq.nl@localhost:/usr/obj/sys/arch/playstation2/compile/SONY 

Hooray :-)

Quite cool the latest NetBSD snapshots still boot on a Playstation 2. It
seems the kernel is built with the toolchain from pkgsrc (which supports
the CPU quirk workarounds and the vector instructions), but the userland
is built with a regular mipsel toolchain, which causes a lot of
applications to segfault (short loops?):

| $ sleep 5
| [1]   Segmentation fault (core dumped) sleep 5

| $ ps
| 585 ttyp0 R+   0:00.00 ps
| 604 ttyp0 Ss   0:00.04 -sh
| [1]   Segmentation fault (core dumped) ps

I also found some other small bugs:

- The gsfb driver shows some small corruption on the first eight rows
  and two columns (16 chars) of the display; a lot of the time the
  characters are painted black. Most of the time when scrolling upwards.
- The USB keyboard driver (or the entire system?) locks up at the
  mountroot prompt.

I'll take a look if I can fix these problems. I think it's nice NetBSD
still actually boots after all these years.

 Ed Schouten <ed%fxq.nl@localhost>
 WWW: http://g-rave.nl/

PS: The framebuffer sure looks a lot better when removing FONT_SONY8x16
    and adding FONT_VT220L8x16 in your kernel config :-)

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