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mips64eb seems to be mostly 32-bit

Hello list.

There is one thing that does not make sense to me in the mips64eb build
of the evbmips port of NetBSD. I would appreciate if anyone could
explain it.

I have taken an EdgeRouter box that runs on Octeon (big-endian MIPS64)
and installed one of the latest daily NetBSD snapshots [1] plus some
binary packages built for 9.0 [2]. The resulting system works OK so far,
although there have been quite a few hangs, which seem to coincide with
the serial console activity (the device had been confirmed good running
two other operating systems before).

The odd thing is, whilst the kernel is aware that the CPU is 64-bit,
the userspace binaries from the install sets are 32-bit. The same
stands for the binaries that come from pkgsrc and for the binaries
compiled from C code natively on the system. Is there a fundamental
reason for this, or is this a build system issue?

The matter is, I would like to start doing NetBSD/MIPS builds for a
continuous integration system, and it would be nice to know the setup
is correct. The system is running on an E100 now, it can also be tested
on an E300. SSH access, serial console and remote hands can be provided.

netbsd-mips$ uname -p

netbsd-mips$ uname -a
NetBSD netbsd-mips 9.99.86 NetBSD 9.99.86 (OCTEON) #0: Fri Jul  2
10:14:07 UTC 2021

netbsd-mips$ sysctl hw hw.machine = evbmips hw.model = Cavium Octeon
hw.ncpu = 1
hw.byteorder = 4321
hw.physmem = 536870912
hw.usermem = 524967936
hw.pagesize = 8192
hw.disknames = sd0
hw.machine_arch = mips64eb
hw.alignbytes = 7
hw.cnmagic = \x27\x01
hw.physmem64 = 536870912
hw.usermem64 = 524967936
hw.iostatnames = sd0
hw.ncpuonline = 1

netbsd-mips$ file /usr/bin/sort
/usr/bin/sort: ELF 32-bit MSB pie executable, MIPS, N32 MIPS-III
version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter
/usr/libexec/ld.elf_so, for NetBSD 9.99.86, not stripped

netbsd-mips$ file /usr/pkg/bin/cmake
/usr/pkg/bin/cmake: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, MIPS, N32 MIPS-III
version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter
/usr/libexec/ld.elf_so, for NetBSD 9.0, not stripped



2: ftp://ftp.NetBSD.org/pub/pkgsrc/packages/NetBSD/mips64eb/9.0/All

    Denis Ovsienko

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