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In the following code:

1693         bnez    k0, MIPSX(kern_tlbi_odd)
1694          nop
1696         INT_L   k0, 0(k1)                       # get PTE entry
1697         _SLL    k0, k0, WIRED_SHIFT             # get rid of "wired" bit
1698         _SRL    k0, k0, WIRED_SHIFT
1699         _MTC0   k0, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_LO0          # load PTE entry
1700         COP0_SYNC
1701         and     k0, k0, MIPS3_PG_V              # check for valid entry
1702 #ifdef MIPS3
1703         nop                                     # required for QED5230
1704 #endif
1705         beqz    k0, _C_LABEL(MIPSX(kern_gen_exception)) # PTE invalid
1706          nop                                    # - delay slot -

- Why load PTE before checking V bit?  If invalid,
kern_gen_exception() will load PTE later (uvm_fault() -> pmap_enter()
-> tlb_update()), right?

1708         INT_L   k0, 4(k1)                       # get odd PTE entry
1709         _SLL    k0, k0, WIRED_SHIFT
1710         mfc0    k1, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_INDEX
1711         _SRL    k0, k0, WIRED_SHIFT
1712         sltiu   k1, k1, MIPS3_TLB_WIRED_UPAGES  # Luckily this is
1713         or      k1, k1, k0
1714         _MTC0   k0, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_LO1          # load PTE entry
1715         COP0_SYNC

- Line 1712 + 1713 sets and ORs a value into k1, but it's unused.  Is
it intended?

- Why trying to set G bit only in LO1?  According to [1], LO0:G and
LO1:G are AND'ed.

[1] MIPS32™ Architecture For Programmers Volume III: The MIPS32™
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