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Prod kernel hangs on mac mini

I've tried a few things to get NetBSD going on my Mac Mini G4, but had some bad luck so far.

I managed to get 8.2 working on it, but it seems to be missing some stuff I need, e.g. no openssl in pkgsrc (blocks a lot of things,) no git ...

With 9.3, I run the installer mostly OK, but when it comes to booting the production kernel it panics.  ofwboot prints some messages, then the kernel boots and prints a couple of maybe normal lines about memory regions, then comes a "trap" in ISI...

Stuff scrolls past pretty quick, I get a bunch of "Faulted in DDB, continuing", and then stuff about  tracebacks and skipping crash dump on recursive panic scrolls repeatedly.

I'm wondering, since the installer kernel works OK, are there different kernel builds I can try?

Any help appreciated.


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