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Re: Issues with Netatalk and MACE

On 9 Jul 2010, at 10:48 , David Riley wrote:
> Digging a little deeper, I see on the network that I'm sending out multicast 
> AARP requests for my own address (let's call it 42.182 for now).  "tcpdump 
> -nvvvXe aarp" shows that I'm asking who-has 42.182 from 42.182.  Sadly, 
> though, my own machine doesn't see those requests (MACE doesn't get its 
> outgoing broadcasts/multicasts looped back, it seems).  If I instrument 
> sys/arch/macppc/dev/am79c950.c to print out every MAC address that comes 
> across in the Rx interrupt, I never see that frame.

I know very little about Appletalk, but I'd be surprised if this
were a problem at all.  Your machine doesn't need to receive arp
requests it sends for its own address, it already knows everything
that it could possibly tell itself.  The purpose of those requests
is most likely to detect other hosts on the network using the same
address, and the fact that it isn't getting any response is good since
it indicates that there are no address conflicts.  I think IP ARP does
the same thing for the same reason, though it only sends requests like
that when the address is first configured rather than continuously.

Your problem is likely elsewhere.  Does tcpdump show traffic from
the machines you are trying to talk to?

Dennis Ferguson

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