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Re: Original Apple monitors available (free!)

On May 19, 2011, at 2:59 PM, Hauke Fath wrote:

> At 11:11 Uhr -0400 18.5.2011, David Riley wrote:
>> I have some old LC (original, II, III and 475) machines I may be
>> willing/required to part with in the future as well once I've made some
>> SWIM-related contributions to the kernel.
> ... sounds like a project?

Yes, that's the idea.  Dealing with some work-related busy time, but that's my 
next personal project.  Still looking for some of David Gatwood's documentation 
that was bandied about on the mac68k list a while about; wondering if anyone 
still has it.  It'll be a while before I can make use of it, not least because 
I've just discovered that LKM doesn't *really* do autoconfig, so it's almost 
useless for real device drivers.

On the other hand, the new modular stuff seems interesting (and available on 
macppc -current), but I haven't found a lot of documentation for it.  Anyone 
have a pointer to a good starting point?

SWIM3 is my first target, partly because my macppc machines are a bit 
better-behaved than the mac68k beasts (and they're not still in cardboard boxes 
after the move), and there's already the mkLinux/Darwin implementation to which 
I can refer for guidance (not much that could be copied wholesale even if the 
APSL permitted it).

- Dave

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