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NetBSD 4.0.1 on a Powerbook 180

Every once in a while I remove NetBSD 2.1 (the last version of NetBSD that boots successfully on my Powerbook 180) and install the current release to see if it works any better than versions 3.0-4.0. I recently used the traditional method to install the 4.0.1 GENERIC kernel, base, and etc. Result: kernel panic. Then, I reinstalled base and etc along with the GENERICSBC kernel. It boots into single- user mode just fine, but after mounting / and changing /etc/rc.conf a reboot gives me:

Magic numbers do not match -- Improper UFS partition.
Could not open kernel "netbsd".

This is pretty much what has happened for the last few years since NetBSD 3.0 was released. I have tried a variety of different hard drives on this machine (the current one being a 1 GB Microtech RoadRunner GO-Drive which is an ATA drive piggybacked on a SCSI card), all with the same result. My question: has anyone out there successfully installed a recent version of NetBSD on a 1xx series Powerbook? If so, how?


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