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Re: binary packages 4.0


I saw in an old post by you that you compiled the pkgsrc 4.0 sources. In this post you give a link to http://christtrek.dyndns.org:8000/NetBSD/packages/4.0/ Apparently, this directory doesn't exist any longer. Is there any place where I can find 4.0 binaries for mac68k? Since ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/packages/NetBSD/mac68k/ contains only 3.0 binaries, and as I had no success in starting from scratch (i.e. taking the pkgsrc-2008Q1.tar.gz sources), I really need a starting point like a Bootstrap kit for NetBSD 4.0 on mac68k.

NetBSD 4 doesn't need a bootstrap kit. It comes with package tools.

If you'd like binary packages, one of my m68060 machines has made about 1,250 packages for NetBSD 4. They're rsyncing to ftp.netbsd.org at the moment, so if what you'd like isn't there, give it a little time.

They'll be in:


John Klos

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