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Re: custom kernel problems

Am 27. Apr .2008 um 12:45 Uhr schrieb Martin Husemann:

On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 11:22:29AM +0200, Andreas Wolf wrote:

Am 25. Apr .2008 um 22:41 Uhr schrieb Hauke Fath:

#fpu0 at mainbus?      # Floating-Point Coprocessor support

Don't comment that out -- you definitely want the FPU support, trust
me.  ;)

Is that true for real 68040 CPUs? I thought "fpu0 at mainbus" refers to the coprocessor (68881, 68882) on 68020 and 68030 CPU boards. There is:

I'm confused - my 68040 mac does not attach fpu0, and I can't fin'd any
reference to fpu in any of the mac68k config files. I have options FPSP

Where does that fpu0 line you commented out come from?


I'm confused, too ;-) The "fpu0 at mainbus?" line comes from the SMALLRAM template, that comes with the sources and which is optimized for a 68030 machine acting as PPP-gateway. You should see it further down in your config file, not in the "CPU support" part at the beginning. Maybe this option doesn't even exist any longer, since all this is from the NetBSD 3 sources.


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