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Re: GNU toolchain obsoletes ia64

Martin Husemann <martin%duskware.de@localhost> writes:
> We can still revisit/revive it once:
>  - our in-tree toolchain is about to update to a version that does not
>    support it any more
>  - at that point our ia64 port is anywhere close running userland tests
> With the current state of our port any toolchain work is likely a waste.
> Even if upstream would not (immediately) reinstate the support, we
> still can live with outdated or out-of-tree toolchains for a while and
> see if there is any interest. We have been there before (and it did not
> go too well with e.g. playstation2 where we have toolchain support
> back, but still no working kernel).

I agree with Martin here.  As he said, the NetBSD port isn't at a point
where it matters much.  I hope that support is not dropped, but it is
not looking good:


Realistically, I can understand the justificiation for dropping it when
there is not even enough interest in the linux community for keeping it

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