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Re: armv7.img does boot on BeagleBone (White)

 >> Hi everyone.
 >> My board is described here:
 >> https://wiki.logre.eu/index.php/BeagleBone_White
 >> I've downloaded image from here
 >> https://cdn.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-10.0/evbarm-earmv7hf/binary/gzimg/armv7.img.gz
 >> Then, I ungzipped it and dd-ed it to MicroSD card
 >> Then, I booted my board.
 >> That's what I see:
 >>     0 cheusov>cu2bone
 >>     Connected.
 >>     CCCC
 >> Image looks like the following
 >>     [root@ryzen Downloads]# file ./armv7.img
 >>     ./armv7.img: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0xc, active, starthead 10, startsector 32768, 163840 sectors; partition 2: ID=0xa9, starthead 60, startsector 196608, 2451456 sectors
 >>     [root@ryzen Downloads]#
 >> MicroSD is fine. OpenBSD and Linux booted correctly.
 >> dd-ing method (on Linux) was the same:
 >> dd if=armv7.img of=/dev/sdd bs=1M status=progress oflag=nocache
 >> What's wrong?

> Did you add a Beagle Bone (white) u-boot to the image?

No. Is it necessary? I just copied image to SD-Card as is.

> CCCC is what the SoC maskrom bootloader puts out on serial console when it can't find platform firmware.

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