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Re: Pinebook Pro images

On Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 1:55 PM Robert Swindells <rjs%fdy2.co.uk@localhost> wrote:
> Nothing has changed with the display, glxgears would be running OpenGL
> on the CPU in both cases.
> Your 9.99.92 installation might have been using an older version of the
> Xorg server but that shouldn't make any difference to how fast it runs.

My older installation had the X binaries from NetBSD-9. In that
installation, if I boot a 9.9.99 kernel, Firefox is noticeably slower,
to the point of being almost unusable. I wonder what changed. Was it
the new DRM code that was imported?

So I am trying out the same thing with a new installation and will report back.


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