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Serial console on RPi4?

Hi, all,

I'm updating my 8 gig Pi 4 to autoboot with root on a raidframe slice on an 8 TB USB attached disk. boot.cfg make this easy, thank you!

However, the serial console has me puzzled. The RPi UEFI menu is set to prefer the serial console, and when the Pi boots, I first see the boot messages (Read start4.elf, Read fixup4.dat, et cetera), then the UEFI menu, then I see the NetBSD boot menu. I can use the boot menu, so I know bidirectional communication is working, but after the messages indicating the kernel is loading, I get nothing.

/etc/ttys has:

constty "/usr/libexec/getty std.115200" vt100   on  secure

getty runs:

root 1456 0.0 0.0 19832 1620 plcom0 Is+ 2:52AM 0:00.01 /usr/libexec/getty std.115200 constty

But, again, I get nothing in either direction.

What am I forgetting?


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