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Re: How to write u-boot bootloader for Jetson TX1

Can you try an older version (R23.x) of L4T's flash tools? ISTR having trouble with the new version.

On Fri, 15 Jun 2018, Gmail TM wrote:

Thank you for your reply, Jared.

2018/06/12 21:54、Jared McNeill <jmcneill%invisible.ca@localhost>のメール:

I think if you are just updating U-Boot, you need to specify '-k LNX' on the flash.sh command-line. Let me know if that helps..

I try flash.sh with -k LNK option, but it stop at "Updating BCT with signature”

 $ sudo ./flash.sh  -k LNX -L ~/u-boot-dtb.bin jetson-tx1 mmcblk0p1
 [   3.7436 ] Signing BCT
 [   3.7489 ] tegrasign --key None --list bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
 [   3.7568 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 [   3.7878 ]
 [   3.7878 ] Updating BCT with signature
 [   3.7892 ] tegrabct --bct P2180_A00_LP4_DSC_204Mhz.bct --chip 0x21 --updatesig bct_list_signed.xml

I think that when I want to update bootloader only, I must use -k EBT option.
The flash.sh comment says
 # ./flash.sh -k EBT <target_board> mmcblk1p1            - update <target_board> bootloader
 # ./flash.sh -k LNX <target_board> mmcblk1p1            - update <target_board> kernel

I can write u-boot-dtb.bin with -k EBT,
but it doesn’t work now.

By the way, pkgsrc/sysutils/u-boot-jetson-tx1 has two bootloaders, u-boot and u-boot-dtb.bin.
Which bootloader should I use?


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