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Re: Multiple issues for Linksys NSLU2 (evbarm, armeb) NetBSD in HEAD date since June 2014

On 05/25/15 18:51, Eddy Petrișor wrote:

I have managed to test the patch proposed by Nick up to code as recent
as June 2014, and it also applied cleanly on latest HEAD when I tried
first, so I think is safe to be committed in CVS.
I committed it.

On the other hand, on code more recent than July 2014 [1] I have seen
multiple different issues preventing either successful build or
execution or more recent code.

Because the issues were not fixed very close to the moment when they
were broken and they might have piled up on each other I am unsure if
any of the errors I am seeing in the are still present in the latest
HEAD, so I am asking if somebody more knowledgeable than me can
confirm if either of the problems below should be fixed for
evbarm/armeb in HEAD, or if they can be fixed in HEAD (such as problem
Can you just build a kernel from latest HEAD to test?

1) Build failure on evbarm/armeb (confirmed in HEAD from 2015-05-19 22:45:57)

ails to build with:
In file included from
error: #error "can't build universal big-endian binary"
nbmkdep: compile failed.
*** [aes-armv4.d] Error code 1
This is a problem in HEAD. I'll take a look...


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