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Re: microsd card for rpi?

On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 7:47 AM, Zoran Kolic <zkolic%sbb.rs@localhost> wrote:
>> Why micro SD? Why not just a regular SDHC card?
> B+ uses micro format.

I didn't even realize that there was a new machine.

I went and checked it out, and it seems like a good one but maybe I
don't want to upgrade to it because it's only a minor upgrade. I've
had no problems with my B model with the full size SD card, and I'm
not really hot plugging USB devices.

There was a way to set the firmware to boot from USB if I remember
correct. This might be a better option. I think some people were just
hardcoding the root device (USB) into the kernel which boots from the
SD card as well I think.


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