I have two GuruPlugs, which work fine again now in -current.
One of them has a serial console, eSATA disk and microSD - the latter
is what I boot from. Replacing the kernels is very easy: mount SD card,
put netbsd.ub there, reboot.
The other machine has nothing, not even the serial console. This makes
updating the kernel quite inconvenient (no console, can't do it from
When the system boots I notice two unconfigured devices, one seems to be
the wlan (would be nice to have), the other is:
vendor 0x11ab product 0x6281 (miscellaneous memory, revision 0x03) at
pci0 dev 0 function 0 not configured
which translates to:
product MARVELL 88F6281 0x6281 88F6281 SoC Kirkwood
Is this the NAND memory on board?
Any pointers to docs or drivers one could start from?
It would be really nice to have access to the u-boot environment
settings and
be able to write a new .ub image to nand from inside NetBSD.