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Unable to build a BEAGLEBOARD kernel

                Hi current-users@, port-arm@,

I am currently unable to build an evbarm kernel for the Beagleboard; it 
fails with the following error:

    compile  BEAGLEBOARD/arm32_kvminit.o
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
/home/khorben/Projects/netbsd/src/sys/arch/arm/arm32/arm32_kvminit.c: In 
function 'arm32_kernel_vm_init':
arm32_kvminit.c:359:1: error: not protecting local variables: variable 
length buffer

*** Failed target:  arm32_kvminit.o
=== END PASTE ===

I am building on a 6.0_RC2 system, with barely any local changes to the 
sources - and none of which should cause this failure AFAICS. I have 
USE_SSP=yes set in /etc/mk.conf though.


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