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Re: Dockstar -current kernels

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Stefano Marinelli
<postnet%dragas.dyndns.org@localhost> wrote:
> I've built mine at around 20.00 GMT of the 11 of June. It works.

I didn't try one on the 11th, but I did every day since the 12th.

Do you mind sending me your kernel config? I will try to build one
with your config.

But it seems like I might have a bad machine. I still have not figured
out the hangs when using rsync, and wpa_supplicant still crashes. Once
in a while the machine becomes unresponsive and I have to hard boot it
(with a flash disk or a real hard disk). Something seems wrong. I'm
not building the kernel or the userland with any special options I


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