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Re: NSLU2 won't boot 5.0

Andy Ruhl wrote:
NetBSD 5.99.5 (NSLU2_ALL) #0: Fri Feb 20 21:28:43 MST 2009

Dude! Welcome to the club. I know now that at least three people have booted NetBSD on their Slug. Not quite the NSLU2-Linux numbers, but we'll make up in quality what we lack in quantity.
Anyway, it's running. Now I need to get it onto an 8 gig SD USB card
and go from there.
That's pretty straightforward. Just fdisk/format the USB card and unzip the files in rel/evbarm/evbarm/sets. Though I confess, I always have problems with the fdisk part.
I think I need to keep booting from tftp, but I'd
like to be able to automate that somehow, maybe with expect from the
tftp server machine.

Part of the problem is that Redboot doesn't automatically try to tftp anything in, at least as far as I know.


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