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Re: NetBSD/amiga sysinst (Was: Video of NetBSD/amiga 10.0_BETA network install in real Amiga 1200)

On Sun, 26 Feb 2023 at 19:22, Daniel Doran <danielktdoranie%icloud.com@localhost> wrote:
> Even better yet… a hard drive image file hosted on Google Drive so one could just image their own hard drive with it ;-)

"As it happens..." Quite a few NetBSD ports automatically include
bootable ISO and disk (typically intended for USB) install images as
part of the standard NetBSD release, and some include bootable live

The only real requirement is that it needs to be buildable from within
the NetBSD tree (so no magic tools with unhelpful licences).

NetBSD/amiga already has a partial form of this - with the miniroot.

My RDB knowledge is buried in neurons not used this millennium, so
obvious questions would be
- Is there a NetBSD native tool for creating RDB data and writing
NetBSD/amiga bootblocks
- Can you write a disk image referring to a smaller disk onto a disk
and later adjust it to expand to the full disk


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