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Color support for wsfb/Amiga


The wsfb driver has been working only in monochrome with Amiga
native graphics mode due to the driver not supporting the Amiga's
planar video memory format.

But actually I found out that there is a c2p routine [1] included
with xorg-server that works with shadowfb to convert the pixels into Amiga
planar format. Enabling it for 8-bit depth looks pretty simple. In
practice with this we could get 256 color mode on AGA chipsets.

For other depths I didn't have much success so it is still
monochrome for non-AGA. Performance is also not that great, but it
is somewhat usable.

Patch attached. Any thoughts before I commit?


[1] http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/xsrc/external/mit/xorg-server/dist/miext/shadow/shafb8.c

P.S. With these wsfb changes the fake 1 bit depth hack can be removed
from kernel side.

Attachment: wsfb.diff
Description: Binary data

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