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Re: OT: Hypercom 4+

On 25 Mar 2014, at 18:28, Al Zick <al%familysafeinternet.com@localhost> wrote:

> After looking at what is supported by NetBSD for serial ports that are fast 
> enough for a V.92 modem with V.44 compress it looks like the Hypercom 4+ is 
> my best choose. Does anyone know where I could find one?

Hypercom cards are not produced for a couple of years now. Your best bet would 
be retro trading sites like amibay.com. Last year or so I had a report that the 
driver for Hypercom still works ;).

If you have any card with clockport in your machine, then you could also try 
getting Individual Computers SilverSurfer. It should(tm) work. I also have 
PortJr (clockport based too) somewhere around that I was supposed to add 
support for...

Best regards,
Radoslaw Kujawa

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