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better late than never: amigappc progress


just FYI: I was working on amigappc the last days and made some progress.
The interrupt part was rewritten from scratch again and a lot of bugs were
fixed everywhere.

My A3000 boots from SCSI hard disk, connected to the internal ahsc host
adapter, into single user mode. Tested with custom chip graphics and
Cybervision 64. All userland commands which I tried seem to be working.

The amigappc distribution lists were fixed too, so a full release can be
built now.

Devices which I tested as working:
ser, kbd, ms, grfcc, ahsc, grfcv

Known problems:
- ahsc is not using DMA at the moment. There are still issues.
- ne (X-Surf) doesn't work. I need to replace the bus space functions
  copied from amiga with the real PPC ones.
- cbiiisc fails with "SIOP: invalid instruction", even without DMA.

Devices not mentioned where not tested. Whoever is interested in amigappc
and has some different hardware to test, please contact me.

Frank Wille

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