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How to cross compile optimized for Amiga with 68060?

Hi amiga-netbsd-users-and-coders,

I was able to successfully cross compile NetBSD-4.0.1 for my A3000/060 on a 
Apple Mac OS X (intel) machine by following this manual 
http://www.netbsd.org/docs/guide/en/chap-build.html and this really worked 
out-of-the-box without any problems.

Since I changed the GENERIC kernel config file to support the 68060 only, the 
kernel was automatically build with the right gcc parameters "-m68060 
-Wa,-m68060 ...", but the user land binaries were not.

I analyzed the build.sh and several Makefiles to find the right place to modify 
the compile flags but I failed miserably to find it.

Where should I modify/add the parameters so that it would be used throughout 
the whole build process?

Best regards,
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