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Re: kernel manipulations

Quoting Gunther Nikl (06-Mar-01 12:21:35):

> On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 05:59:46PM +0100, Georges Heinesch wrote:

>> Q1: I guess that is grf0 (I have a CV64), right?

>   No. grf0 is the custom-chip display.

That's what the console is using when I startup (or not?). I'm talking
about the very first sign of life NetBSD shows you on the console once
it's wking up. Basically the dmesg stuff. This must be displayed using
the custom-chips, no?

>> Q2: Which file defines the resolution of the booting screen?

>   <path_to_resolution_file>/<name_of_resolution_file>

>   eg. on my setup: /etc/grfmodes

That's the same here. But this is now used yet when booting.

>> Q3: Same question for the foreground and background color of this
>>     screen.

>   AFAIK, you must change the colours in the source of the driver.

Hmmm ... where shall I start looking for?


Georges Heinesch

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