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Re: Many Questions.....

On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 05:43:28PM +0300, jm wrote:
> 1) Why I can only use 4 bitbalnes under X , althought I have an AGA
>    amiga? I am using  the option -depth 8 with X but it still opens
>    a 16 color screen.If I give the option -depth 8 on Xwrapper it complains
>    that it cant allocate some buffers something...

you have to specify the A option to the bootloader to boot with AGA enabled.

> 2  The screenmodes X can use are hardcoded or i can change them
>    with a config file? Thats because the only screen I can open
>    is a 640x400 screen althought PAL is capable of 640x512 or little 
>    bit more

man iteconfig

> 3) Why some programs save a file on disk under their name plus the
>    extension .core ?

That program crashed. If it was compiled with debugging support, you can
debug it like this

gdb /path/to/program program.core

For more information, "man gdb".
> 4) What is the best window manager to use under amiga ?

Depends on your taste.


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