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RE: web server problem

>  I have installed thttpd on my A2000 using the packaging
>  system. (I also installed perl, pico, links, and ssh.)
>  I then thought that I should test the server before
>  putting it on the web. So I installed software to test
>  the server on another computer that is on the network.
>  I then tried to test it. I set the test software for 200
>  parallel connections, After about 30 seconds into the test
>  the server stopped serving web pages. However, the computer
>  did not crash. I was able to use the computer until I
>  decided that the best thing was to halt it, and reboot.
>  It never halted. I then forced it to reboot with the
>  control-Amiga-Amiga keys. I then booted NetBSD. When it
>  rebooted it gave me the error message:

>  ne0 warning: receiver ring buffer overrun

>  What do I need to do to fix this?
I guess that I will take a shot at this!
From what I have read I am not sure what the problem is. First of all,does the thttpd process stop? After it stops serving can you still
still communicate on the network?

Get back to me with the answers to this.


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