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Re: 1.3.3 Setup

> Since my root is actually the third partition I enter "sd2c." 

 Which is wrong.

 It is your third partition in total, but your first NetBSD-partition.

 NetBSD/Amiga root partition is always "sdxa". That's why we hassle around
with HdToolBox and the DosTypes: To make it clear to NetBSD, that a specific 
partition should be the root partition, another the swap and yet another
(and other) of usr type.

 Please enter "sd2b" and as dump partition you enter "none", just as
described in the INSTALL guide:

        * Once your kernel boots:

        You should see the screen clear and some information about
        your system as the kernel configures the hardware.  Note which
        hard disk device(s) are configured (sd0, sd1, etc).  Then
        you will be prompted for a root device.  At this time type
        'sd0b', where 'sd0' is the device which contains the swap
        partition you created during the hard disk preparation.
        When prompted for a dump device, answer 'none' for the upgrade 
        (normally, you would tell it one of the swap devices). When 
        prompted for the root filesystem type, confirm 'generic', which 
        will auto-detect it. 

Markus Illenseer

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