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Re: virtual memory exhausted?

        NetBSD enforces per process resource limits.
        You can see what they are with 'limit'.
        You can alter them again by using limit, or just raise them all to
        the kernels max by using 'unlimit'.

- Thought for the day... "I miss my dog"

On Sat, 12 Jul 1997, Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:

>    hi,
>    I have tried to compile a c++ program, Quadview, an example from the VTK
> archive (Visualization Tool Kit: a very powerfull link lib for visualization
> of data in 2D or 3D). the compilation failed with the message "Virtual memory
> exhausted". How can this be? I have over 80MBs of virtual memory on the swap
> partition. I run NetBSD 1.2.1.
>    Any ideas?
>    Has anyone ever used VTK or tcl8.0b1/tk8.0b1 with MesaGL on NetBSD?
> -- 
> Konstantinos Margaritis
> Under-graduate student at Physics Dept. of Athens University
> e-mail: markos%acropolis.net@localhost, talk: root%markos.dyn.ml.org@localhost

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