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(Fwd) audio-bin12.tar.gz uploaded to NetBSD-Amiga

Are there any objections to put this audio-stuff into the official source?
Michael? Ignatios? Bernd? Chris?


--- Forwarded mail from Rainer Doemer 

To: Hubert Feyrer <hubert.feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost>
Cc: Rainer Doemer <doemer%ics.uci.edu@localhost>, 
Subject: audio-bin12.tar.gz uploaded to NetBSD-Amiga
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1997 13:21:03 -0500
From: Rainer Doemer <rainer%pal-ts1-077.slip.uci.edu@localhost>

Hello Hubert,

I just uploaded two files to the NetBSD-Amiga/incoming directory
of ftp.uni-regensburg.de:

-rw-r--r--   1 rainer  user     3441 Jan 25 12:32 audio-bin12.readme
-rw-r--r--   1 rainer  user    67430 Jan 25 12:27 audio-bin12.tar.gz

The package is based on audio-src11.tar.gz.
It is the compiled binary version for NetBSD 1.2.

Please insert the files in the file tree and let me know, if
everything is ok (it's my first upload!).

Have fun,


Rainer Doemer               email: rainer%pal-ts1-077.slip.uci.edu@localhost
Information and Computer Science            or: doemer%ics.uci.edu@localhost
University of California, Irvine   http://www.ics.uci.edu/~doemer/

---End of forwarded mail from Rainer Doemer 

Hubert Feyrer <hubert.feyrer%rz.uni-regensburg.de@localhost>

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