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Re: memory (was Re: Which '040 is this?)

> > Is my thinking correct? I have the 16MHz A3000 with 2M Chip and 2M Fast and
> > I have the 4M SIMMS with nothing to plug them in. Rather than pay a premium
> > for rare 1x4 Zips, wouldn't it make more sense to buy an accelerator with
> > room for the SIMMs?
> rare?  ouch... is that why i had to pay $80/MB to expand my 3000?
> is there something else i could have put in it?

Why don't you get one of the DKB ram boards for the A3000. They work
in MOST a3000 machines.

XCOMM --------------------------------------------------------
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore CSC/CPE     kpneal%eos.ncsu.edu@localhost 
XCOMM North Carolina State University      kevinneal%bix.com@localhost
XCOMM --------------------------------------------------------

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