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Re: u3g for XEN3_DOM0 ?

Emmanuel Dreyfus <manu%netbsd.org@localhost> writes:

> On Mon, Sep 06, 2021 at 11:23:26AM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:
>> So no, as far as I can tell, no reason other than that before committing
>> it some testing is needed.
> If we need to test all USB drivers, it will never be done. And they have
> already been tested in non-Xen setups.

I didn't mean that.  If some driver doesn't work on xen, that's not a
big deal.  I just meant that when I was messing with the config that I
felt like i needed to actually do a build, and then install the kernel
on a xen box and actually boot it and make sure it still could run xen,
so that people would be no worse off.

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