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Re: u3g for XEN3_DOM0 ?

Emmanuel Dreyfus <manu%netbsd.org@localhost> writes:

> NetBSD/amd64 XEN3_DOM0 kernel does not include dev/usb/usbdevices.config
> as GENERIC does. Is there a reason for that? Any opposition to align
> XEN3_DOM0 USB support to GENERIC?

heh.  A while ago I asked a structurally similar question, about exactly
what I don't remember, and in general the answer is that there is no
good reason.  I started down the path of making XEN3_DOM0 similar and
did a lot of rearranging that didn't actually change much, and a few
steps of aligning.

I dimly remember that there might be reasons to leave something out, but
a vague sense that if so it should be commented why.

So no, as far as I can tell, no reason other than that before committing
it some testing is needed.

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