Anyway, as for Ethernet -- I definitely want to fix the DEPCA driver,
if it's broken; hopefully that's the case, and not an issue with the
board. Does your board have an RJ45 connector? I don't recall if any
of the ISA DEPCA boards did. Luckily, you can still find DEC DE204
boards on eBay (has RJ45 connector, supported by "lc" driver -- I have
one in my AXPpci33, and SRM can even boot from it on that machine).
Yes the DE422 has RJ45. I have spare one so I can easily check but I
am pretty sure that it works with Digital Unix and VMS on the same
machine. But will check later.
I have found a DE205 and a DE200, but I think it should be configured
with the ECU, so stay tuned ;)
(have to find a working floppy first)