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Re: Please review wip/gcc45


> According to configure script of wip/gcc45, lt_cv_path_SED should be
> ac_cv_path_SED.
> Following patch resolve the error I had reported.

I did the same test with both lt_cv_path_SED and ac_cv_path_SED set
in the Makefile and it works on NetBSD 5.99.45. I have done a commit.

I have just started make test. I had done extensive tests on gfortran
and a bit of C99, but not on other languages. On NetBSD the default
stack size of 2 MB is too small for some tests, so I will start with
ulimits for stacksize and data set to the hard limit.

Just to be sure, I built lang/gcc44 this morning with PKG_DEVELOPER=yes
and it ran without error after adding the necessary patches for gfortran
and g++. The main difference with respect to sed between gcc44 and gcc45
is the caching of the sed path by configure. Mabey that was causing the

Have a nice day,

Kai-Uwe Eckhardt

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