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Re: fontaine

On Mon, 3 Feb 2014, Tim Larson wrote:

> I recently built fontaine on my machine and checked a preliminary 
> package into wip/fontaine. However I get link errors when building the 
> package - none of the FreeType functions are defined. AFAICT all the 
> FT libs are in the .buildlink/lib dir. When I run nm on some of the 
> object files, it looks like many of the symbols are undefined.
> Since I could get it to build initially but not within the pkgsrc 
> framework, my thought is that I did something wrong creating the 
> package. Any pointers?

I didn't look at the package, but maybe you need the object files 
created with the RPATH set.  You can see this with objdump -x.  It is 
set using pkgsrc, for example, with LDFLAGS (or similar) with 
LINKER_RPATH_FLAG or COMPILER_RPATH_FLAG. You should be able to find 
examples of those in pkgsrc.

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