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Re: pkgsrc NetBSD 6.0/x86_64 2013-06-11 00:30

The one in wip matches what's in 2012Q1 except for minor improvements to
the pkgsrc one.   The import log in wip said:

  revision 1.1
  date: 2013/02/08 03:20:54;  author: outpaddling;  state: Exp;
  Import glib2-2.34.3 as wip/glib2.

  For testing patches aimed at Darwin.

  GLib provides the core application building blocks for librariesand
  applications written in C.  It provides the core object system used in
  GNOME, the main loop implementation, and a large set of utility
  functions for strings and common data structures.

  This package contains GLib version 2.

So I guess the questions are:

  Has the wip version served its purpose (and it's time to rm it)?

  We seem to sometimes have versions in wip that are newer than in
  pkgsrc proper, to stage updates before committing them, either because
  we are unsure or because the person doing the work doesn't have a
  pkgsrc commit bit.  That seems ok, but it also seem that we should be
  trying to head for getting those updates into pkgsrc proper.

  For versions in wip that are of this "future work" or replacement
  status, perhaps we should not have them in wip/Makefile, to exclude
  them from bulk builds.  Or perhaps we just shouldn't worry about it.

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